Also, you guys have outdated perspectives on what the best guns are.

The only issue with balance is the fact that you get shit on at the lower levels because you don't have any scopes yet and you don't have magnum ammo which is the biggest factor. I'm just going to toss in my opinion about BC2 balance since I have probably played this game more than anybody else on the Shack (1000+ hours look at my bc2stats page if you don't believe me). But calling MW2 imbalanced and BC2 balanced again, is a fucking joke. I'm not arguing that one game is better then the other, because its a retarded argument based on how different they are. They added a bunch of stupid shit with the weed emblems and stuff to MW2, but none of that changes anything about how the game is played. there are reasons to us better weapons like the TAR for more damage and a lower accuracy. You look at the ACR and see a high mag size and a high ROF, but the damage is shit. Theres no reason to use any of the guns you have earlier in the game. That is essentially the definition of imbalance. Whats the downside to the M60, AN-94, M16A2, and the worst offender: Carl Gustauv? There is no downside. The few good guns are so good that there is no point to use other weapons. There isnt much else that needs to be said about weapon balance in BC2. Sure the game can be campy, but only if you play TDM. Again, OMA was patched to reduce uses and help reduce spam. You keep going back to the ACR, but that fucking gun is not imbalanced. Why do you think they changed so much for Blops? Because Treyarch realized what was broken in MW2. Simple fact, IW "dudebro'd" MW2, and most people who have played games for a long time can see that. But, alas, It's obvious that you don't care about the truth. You just keep throwing out the generic "they're imbalanced." If I actually felt like it, I would record a game tonight and post it just to show you that you are incorrect. You've yet to provide and examples of why or what weapons are imbalanced.
#Call of duty modern warfare 3 trailer Patch
I leveled to 30 on Xbox, and saw the same thing once the M60 patch came out. I see people use just about every single gun in the game. I've played about 20 hours the last two weeks after re-buying it for PC. It's obvious you've played very little since the first patch. And once again, it doesn't change the games biggest design flaw of the game, that it is designed around camping.Īlso, you are completely wrong about the weapon usage in BC2. Then, it was ACR/infinite explosives and ninja knifing. If you re-read my post, you'll see that I'm pointing out all the issues it had throughout that entire time, not just launch. I maxed out, but didn't prestige (I never did for any COD). I played MW2 a shit ton until BC2 came out.

camping.Īnd I can tell you that you are wrong. It was surely a better game, but even it is still designed around their fatal flaw. Hell, the whole reason BLOPS was promising is because it fixed all the game breaking issues of MW2. Sorry, but you are in the extremem minority when it comes to MW2. Plus, even to this day, I see people using just about every gun in the game. Throw in the guns that every class can use, and it's a very much RPS designed system.

The best Engineer gun is the AK-74u, the second gun. The best Assault rifle is the AN94, which is 4th I believe. The Best Sniper rifle is the first one you get. Second, How can DICE always make the high level weapons better, when it's something they've barely done. 6 months after it launched, 75% of the players were using the ACR or dual shottys. Combine that with retarded perks, and gameplay designed to promote camping, and it's a terribly balanced game. It also had the ridiculous Jedi/Crouching Tiger knifing bullshit. Before the patch, it was the unstoppable dual shotty combo.